Can Cell Phones Cause Cancer, Infertility; Are Our Children at Risk?

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elyn jacobs

Cell phones; we can’t live without them, but are they safe for you, for your children?  Can they cause cancer, infertility?  Contrary to firmly held beliefs, invisible radio frequency radiation can alter living cells and increase the risk of cancer and neurological disease. If it were true, we’d know about it; such a logical statement. We all have cell phones and if the FDA and others had reason to think they are unsafe, they would tell us, right?  No. And I guess the last thing the cell phone industry wants is for us to know about the serious biological damage radiation is causing.

Today, on Surviveand Live Well, I had a great discussion on this topic with Dr Devra Davis.  Dr Davis gave clarity to the issue of radiation, and offered suggestions on how to reduce risk from not just cell phones, but also the cordless…

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