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The Long-term effects of electromagnetic radiation

The Long-term effects of electromagnetic radiation We are bombarded by low levels of radiation from all directions. There are so many sources until reducing them would mean major changes in most of the things that we do daily, most without a second thought. For example, did you know that the following give off radiation emissions? … Continue reading

The potential dangers of electromagnetic fields and their effect on the environment Here is a report to download from ‘The Council of Europe’ detailing recent developments in Electromagnetic radiation. The report draws attention to ‘the precautionary principal’ ignoring this may result in higher health and economic costs. According to the World Health Organisation, electromagnetic fields of all frequencies represent one of the most common and fastest … Continue reading

Discussions on Electromagnetic Radiation

(Source from:  Do you feel ill when you’re near cell phones, fluorescent lights, wi-fi, computers, televisions, or “Smart Meters” for electricity/gas? If so, you may have “electrical sensitivity”. Common symptoms include headaches, nausea, exhaustion, “burning” skin, dizziness, inability to concentrate, agitation, heart palpitations, and anxiety. Someday the medical field will fully recognize this problem, meanwhile … Continue reading

Children risk getting cancer from using mobile phones

Children are far more likely to be vulnerable to mobile phone radiation because there skulls and bodies are not yet fully formed. Studies have shown that they absorb more radiation than adults when using mobile phones. More young children and adolescents are using mobile phones, but they are not aware of the dangers of … Continue reading